Friday 20 May 2011


Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
God who?
*Fiery lightning-bolt smites the door's owner*
There is but one God! (Sucker!)

I don't want to offend God (be it the God or a god), especially as the end of the world has been pencilled in for tomorrow, so I thought I'd go with yet another movie quiz. This time name the films which contain a deity. I love to watch a deity movie myself but you have to be careful, too much and you may go blind!

...On the roof of an apartment building in Manhattan four spectral exterminators learn the hard way the correct answer to the question "Are you a god?"...

...In a Grecian wasteland a son of a god, having already been given a nifty sword, shield and helmet set, is also presented with a clockwork bird...

...In a distant galaxy, following a trip through a round window, some US Army types meet some Egyptian-god-a-like types...

...While out 'riding' in Britain a king and his knights meet a rather two-dimensional God who sends them on a quest along with an explosive holy-relic...

...In New Jersey God is beaten up by some hockey players but makes a recovery later by changing back into a young woman. Isn't that ironic...

...In deep space a starship captain and his crew forget about 'new life and new civilisations' for a bit and go looking for God instead...

...In a remote mountain kingdom in India one of two ex-soldiers is mistaken for a god following an archery mishap. Word of advice, in that situation watch out when having a 'bite' to eat...

...In a diner in a town in Pennsylvania a man decides he must be God after suffering a serious case of deja vu...

...In a far distant future a warrior in a red mankini takes a trip in a flying stone head before settling down to read a children's classic...

...In the Fortress of Ultimate Darkness the Supreme Being has his old workforce collect up all the bit of Evil before rehiring them at a 19% cut in salary, backdated to the beginning of time...


Movie Quiz Answers


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